Development Plans

The Wixams settlement is a new town under construction since 2007. It was originally conceived as a town of four villages:

  1. Lakeview – Now complete and furthest to the East of the settlement
  2. Willow Grove – Under construction by David Wilson and Barratt Homes
  3. Cromwell Place – Under construction and will include the town centre
  4. Harrowden Green – Under construction and will include the Station Quarter

To the south of Harrowden Green will be the Wixam Park development, an extension to the original Wixams masterplan and also known as village 5.

Please note the images and plans on this page are not finalised and are likely to change.

Wixams Masterplan

The map below shows the overall plans for Wixams including many of the facilities. This map is from 2016 and some of the plans have changed.

Wixams Masterplan Map 2016 - Revision R

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Town Centre

The town centre will form part of village 3 and is currently being planned by LSP Developments. Some early images of their plans are below but please visit their website for the latest updates:

Town Park

The town park has been built and is now open.

Wixams Town Park Design

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Wixams Station

There are two planning applications associated with the Wixams station, both were approved by Bedford Borough Council in February 2023:

You can find out more about the station from the council’s dedicated pages:

Town Centre Public Open Space

Artist impression of the public open space linking the railway station to the town centre.

Town Centre Public Open SpaceTown Centre Primary School

The masterplan at the top of the page shows primary schools in villages 3 and 4. A single larger school will be built in village 3, here is an artists impression of the school.

Town Centre Primary School - Artists Impression

Wixam Park

South of villages 3 & 4 will be the Wixam Park development. These are two parts to this development: